Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fun with Grandpa

The girls are blessed with 3 grandpas and this past Sat. we spent the day with one of the grandpas at the balloon rally. We had a great time with grandpa!

Ellie is enjoying the view from dads shoulders


Emily was in awe of the balloonsDSC03115

The girls and I enjoying the launch

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The girls LOVED LOVED the trampolines.

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The night launch was beautiful!


I used to go to the balloon rally growing up so it was so cool to experience this with Ellie and Emily!


Katy @ Eat Drink & Decorate said...

so glad y'all had fun!!! That is so awesome! super sweet pic's!

King of King said...

The girls are also blessed with parents that that take their children out to do fun things. I just loved the pictures.

Colleen said...

Hey Julie, can You tell me how my Uncle Cecil is doing?