Saturday, July 11, 2009


was his name-o! I made a bingo game board for Ellie to complete this summer. I put some activities on there that I would like for her to do that she might not be inclined to do without some incentive but also some activities that she really enjoys. I printed off a blank bingo card from this site on pink card stock and I just hand wrote some activities for her to complete and once she has full card bingo then we are going to do something fun. There are sixteen squares to complete although technically there are only 15 because one is going to be a freebie. Here is what I have so far:

Read a chapter book together

Check out a non-fiction book to read from library

Practice writing lower case "e"

Pick out a recipe from her recipe book to make

Complete obstacle course (using skills from her gymnastics class that she has a hard time with)

Pick up trash in neighborhood or park

Do something special for someone (very interested to see what she comes up with)

Complete a workbook page (put this in twice)

Learn to spell middle name

Learn to spell last name

Decide on a craft to make together

I am hoping to start this on Monday so if you have any ideas to fill up the last couple of spaces I would love to hear your ideas!!!


Teresa said...

Love it Julie. I have got to get mine going. Here are a couple more ideas i thought of:
Say your phone number to 4 family members.
Cut out some simple shapes.
Read a book to Emily.
Write a letter (draw a pic) and mail it someone.

Teresa said...

Oh I love your flag thing also. Gotta figure out how to do the states.

Katy said...

fun stuff!! Other ideas...

Make up a play and act it out for Dad after work... Has to be a "new" story.

Read a Bible Story

Go through your toys and pick 3 things to donate

Can't wait to hear how it goes!!

Willow said...

LOVE these ideas girls!!