~Emily is 34 months old~
Emily's 1st week back to Tot School after taking a few weeks off went great! Here is what she was up to:
Matching Pumpkin Faces
I think I printed this from here but I can't remember for sure:(
Acorn sizing printed from here. I didn't think she would be able to do this correctly but she did fantastic!
We all made toilet paper monsters. I got the idea from No Time For Flashcards.
Read lots of books
Tracing shapes
Drawing in her workbook (Still one of her favorite activities)
Adding letters to our coconut tree
Using pattern blocks
Stacking and knocking down our Curious George blocks
and making peg castles
That wraps up our week!
Your toilet paper roll monster turned out too cute!
Cute monster craft!
Love the franken-tube! Too cute!!
And what a fabulous coconut tree.
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