Monday, May 11, 2009


When I was pregnant with Ellie I envisioned us sitting at the table doing crafts for hours. Oh was I so wrong. Ellie is not a craft girl or art girl. As much as I try she will not sit for more then 5 min. to work on something except play-doh every now and then. Here were my attempts last week:
Painting with water but she decided to pretend it was fingernail polish
Drawing and coloring cardboard
Painting and then using plastic knives and toothpicks to make designs in the paint. She decided it was fun to paint the plate too.

The biggest success was hanging a piece of contact paper on a window for each of them and collecting items from outside and inside to stick to it. The best part of this activity was how well they shared the supplies. I stuck a basket in between the windows and they did such a great job of sharing. Ellie liked this but Emily loved this!!!

I am trying to do several art activities a week and I am still holding out hope that one day the three of us will sit for hours and work on crafts together.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

If they only knew how lucky they are that you do all these activities with them. You are so good a planning stuff and just coming up with ideas. You amaze me all the time!